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Aarti Deepa V

Aarti Deepak Vencatachellum
ADV is a fashion designer and a celebrity stylist who has been making a mark in the fashion arena by styling several topartists in the Fashion and Film industry. Ms. Aarti completed her education in fashion design and styling from Istituto Marangoni in Milan, Italy and worked for GUCCI after .she is a fashion enthusiast who at present owns “ADV” designhouse, a stand-alone atlier and is a stylist for celebrities like Rochelle rao,

Aarti Deepak Vencatachellum Yashika Anand, Raiza Wilson, Sanam Shetty,Fashion Designer/Stylist styling aarti. ADV wardrobe: ADV design house Iswarya Menon etc to name a few.

A mentor in the fashion design and styling programme at FIDA, the Design school, Chenna Ms.Aarti offers her mix of styling, design and fashion in a state of unison which amalgamates into a potpourri of creativity.


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